Monday, August 1, 2016

Winter Wonderland - February & March 2016

The town of Jonesborough had a Winter Wonderland event where everyone decorated their shop windows. All of these items except the small tree I took from my porch (except the snowflakes) to make this beautiful display.
On Valentine's Day a group of us went to see Austin Moody at the Johnson City Country Club to support the F.L.I.G.H.T. Foundation.
This was my handsome date for the evening!
We had some beautiful snow during February! I love the first few days but after being in the house more than a couple days I have to get out. It was wonderful and relaxing turning on the fireplace, watching movies and making chili!
After all the snow we had some really nice days. Jim and Elizabeth spent some sweet time together picking up sticks from our yard. I love watching these two!
 Shew Mamaw and Papaw - that was hard work. I've got to rest now!
We were invited to Jim and Teresa Newton's for a fun Super Bowl party!
 Uummm yes I'll take a glass. Jim makes the best wine!
Can we say LUCKY?!?!!!  Jim had planned on retiring in March of 2016, however Eastman announced an early retirement option to certain areas of the company - which included a years pay and 3 months paid insurance. Of course it didn't take Jim more than a second to sign up for that! They had a small retirement party for him with a few of his close friends.