Sunday, March 29, 2009

What The Fulwiler's Have Been Doing

This weekend Jim, Al, Sue and I went to see Jeff Dunham at the McKenzie Arena at UTC. What a fantastic show, I can't remember laughing so much!
Here he is with my favorite character - Peanut.
Al & Sue waiting for the show to start - even the presentation that was showing while we waited was good!
Jim and I just before Jeff came out.
We stayed the weekend, so the next day we visited Chickamauga's Battlefield park. Next time we go down we will have to bring our bikes or maybe the Prowler. This would be a great place for a picnic and ride. There were cannons every where.

Jim asked me to do this - those that know me - are not surprised by this photo. ;)~
I thought this was a pretty monument.
What a cutie!
We walked to the top of this monument. The scenery from the top was beautiful!
It was a littly windy at the top - hence the wild looking hair!
It was a long long long walk up. Good thing I got my workout in before we went to the park!

We saw a lot of deer in the park.
I was trying to get some good shots since there were so many nice backgrounds.
Then Jim took the camera.
Saturday night we went to the Stationhouse restaurant in downtown Chattanooga. This is an awful shot - but I got tickled at the love song this guy was singing to me.
Marlene (Al's siter), me and Al in the restaurant.
Me and Al at the Chatanooga Cho Cho
One of the Group Leaders I work with just turned 40! We had a party for him a few days before his actual birthday so he would be totally surprised! Here we were showing a roasting presentation.
Eleanor & Brad - the birthday boy!
We had just passed around a photo of him dressed in drag! Yes, Brad had on a short dress, fishnet hose, gloves and a hat. He looked hot!

Linda, Dawn and Michelle taking it all in. No need trying to deny it Brad - we knew it was you by those sexy legs and fishnet hose!