Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another Weekend Out-of-Town

Jim and I spent the weekend with Al & Sue. This is a photo of the front of his house with the Bradford Pear trees in bloom. The ones on the left are shaded by the neighbors pine trees, so it takes them a little longer before they bloom. They were in full bloom the next day and were beautiful lining both driveways. Al always takes us out to eat when we visit. This time he took us to the "Bald Headed Bistro". By it's name, I was thinking Texas Road House - Boy was I ever surprised. This place was by far the nicest restaurant I have ever eaten. The atmosphere was warm, cozy and rustic - still not what I was expecting. We started the meal off with Cosmos and appitizers - delicious! Then we tried something we have never eaten and I must say, I didn't think I ever would. We had Bison (buffalo) - it was wonderful. Our meal also came with stuffed lobster, smashed celery root - another newby and steamed veggies. Dessert was to die for so I had to split one with Jim.
Two of my favorite people = Al & Sue. I truly do love you guys!
Me and my sweetie. The next day Al & Sue had to go to a funeral and he asked Jim and I if we would do some shopping for him for a good 52" flatscreen TV and entertainment center. He picked the right girl for this job. Jim and I grabbed our GPS and off to Chattanooga we went. We started the day out at the mall at Hamilton Place - this place is huge. After a little shopping and quick lunch, back to our mission we went. This is what we chose - a Samsung 52" flatscreen and entertainment center. He didn't want doors on his entertainment center and he didn't want it to be too big. This made the hunt a little more challenging, since he wanted such a large TV. He was pleased with what we got. We still have to cut a small hole in the back, but didn't have the right tools - we'll do that on our next visit.
He had just gotten up - I'll probably be in trouble for this photo - but he is just a sweetheart!
Another fun weekend - thanks guys!