Sunday, February 22, 2009

Work, Work, Work

We bought the lot that adjoins our property and have been clearing it off since. We have found all sorts of odd junk in the tall brush - barrels, bathtubs, axels, lawn chairs, carpet etc. We are finally down to the last of the hard work. Saturday after I came home from working out, Jim had the chainsaw going. These pictures don't do the hard work that has gone on here justice. Jim sprayed this area with brush killer all summer. The dogs can't stand it if we are outside and they aren't. Malisha had just gotten out of bed and the pups begged her to take them out. She was like "mom, don't take my picture, I just got up"! Do you think I listened? ;) I think she always looks pretty!
Look at "some" of the junk piled up at the road. We have a truck load to take to the dump.
Here Jim found a roll of wire and some type of curly piece of metal. I may have to find a way to incorporate the curly metal into my garden.
Piqo wanted to help!
Yes, helped too. This is the area I cleaned up! I was so proud of my hard work! :)
Saturday it was so warm we had to take our jackets off when we were working and Sunday we woke up to snow on the ground!