Thursday, February 26, 2009

Precious Puppy

Today when I came home from the grocery store I almost ran over this little puppy. When I got out of the car she came running up to me, whinning. She was climbing all over me and was scared to death. She had blood on her foot, her ribs showed and she didn't have a collar, so I think she was dropped off. How can people put puppies out to fend for themselves - they are"BABIES"!! Nothing makes me madder than to see an animal mistreated. Anyway, I started petting her and she wagged her tail. I just didn't have the heart to run her off. Jim said that he had seen her around for the past three days. So, me being the big softie I am, I brought her in the house to see if she would eat or drink anything. OMG - she ate almost an entire bowl of food and drank a bowl of water. She wouldn't stop whinning and climbing on me. I called Jim and told him I couldn't turn her out and that we have to find a home for her. Two dogs having the run of our home is enough. I gave her a bath, took her out to potty and gave her a couple of treats. I think she thought "ok, I can live here"! She climbed in Piqo's bed and fell right to sleep.
I was afraid she was cold, so I covered her up. I was beginning to really like her, so I thought I better find a home for this puppy quick. I called Malisha and she called her good friend Jessica. Jessica had been wanting a dog, so she came right over. Needless to say, this is one lucky puppy - she has a wonderful new home and a mommy that loves her.