Sunday, July 27, 2008

Martha's 60th Surprise Birthday Party!

Maria planted 60 flowers for the birthday girl.

Flowers were everywhere!

Waiting for the Birthday girl to arrive. Jim and I standing in Martha's field of flowers.

The party was at Mark and Deanna's house.

Here she comes - she was so surprised!
She was speechless. Of course she had to hug everyone.

Martha, Deanna's mom, Maria and Dusty.

She shed a tear or two or three.......

Martha and Jim

Mark getting ready to grill.

Time for cake - yummy!

Her cake was beautiful!

Then the singing and dancing began.

Maria showing us her talent - you go girl!

I gave up and handed Martha the hoola hoop. Twist it sister!

Malisha was the only one that could do it - must be those 21 year old hips!

Dance, dance, dance.

Jim and Martha

Maria and Deanna dancing.

Of course we had to dance to YMCA!

Martha and Sid slowing down for the night and dancing.

Martha opening cards and presents with Maria helping.
What a wonderful surprise party! We had a blast! Happy Birthday!