Thursday, July 31, 2008

Exercise Routine

Okay, so Jim and I have been trying to exercise regularly. We walk on our treadmill, ride our stationary bike and lift a few free weights. I recently bought what I call "the killer"! The killer is a exercise trampoline. It comes with a workout video and you definitely know you have exercised when you are done! After exercising, we play a little Wii - I enjoy bowling and tennis! When all the fun is over - it's time to relax in the whirlpool tub. Oh my gosh, it is amazing how great you feel when the workout and relaxtion is over!

Treadmill and stationary bike we take turns on. It helps when we exercise together - one can't let the other out-do them!

The Killer - you need to try one. You get a great workout in a short amount of time.

You have to add a few free weights to your routine.

Then we play a little Wii Sports together!

After all the hard work - I've got to have a relaxing soak in the tub, put on my comfy pj's and house shoes. Thank you Lord for all your wonderful blessings - family, health, love and happiness!