Friday, November 4, 2016

God Leads the Way

There are times in one's life that you look back on and wonder "why did God allow that to happen to me".  The past 18 months have been one of those times. In March 2015 I became a business partner at a women's clothing boutique in Jonesborough.  I loved working with customers, picking out new clothes and seeing the happy faces of women as they try on something that looks fabulous on them. However, having a business partner is not always easy. Our partnership was a struggle almost from the beginning. When your morals and lifestyle is different than theirs it can be hard. Drinking, partying and man hunting is not on my list since I am happily married and seldom drink or party. On Monday, October 31st I sent her an email explaining that I was walking away from the business.  This is part of the email I sent.

"I thought God placed this opportunity before me to help you financially and spiritually and allow me to help my family.  I have been able to accomplish some of these things. I have helped pay for my daughters college, helped my son and contributed to my own household income more. During this time God has taught me improved patience, kindness and forgiveness. The emotions I've felt for the past 18 months have been all over the board but I've continued to pray through it all. I asked God to teach and help me be a good business partner, friend and to communicate and act in a way pleasing to Him. Every time I would feel beaten down by your words and accusations I would turn to Him begging for guidance. It has been hard and I've shed many tears but I continued to trust in God. It has taken me months to get to this point of walking away from this partnership but I am at peace with my decision. Via this email, consider our partnership terminated."

When I looked back and proof read my email I knew God had a hand in writing it. After all, I felt hurt, used and mistreated and the human in me wanted to hurt her back. However, God guided my hand as I typed and He is healing my heart. I have not shed a single tear over leaving this business and am thankful He has shown me what I needed to do to find happiness again. It is now time to enjoy my family and friends. Life is short, enjoy every moment and do not stay in a bad situation!
Thank you God for helping and showing me the way to a happier, peaceful life!