Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas was extra special this year!  All of us were together on Christmas day as a family - the first time in several years! (Big smile on my face)  As you can see from the pictures below - Elizabeth was the "Star" of the day!  She is 20 months old, curious about everything, sweet, funny and has stolen everyones heart!  Mamaw and Papaw may have gone a little overboard with the toys and clothes for her, but that is what grandparents are for! Note: there seems to be some fur babies in almost every photo. Not to worry - they received Christmas gifts also!
Notice how high Maddie is jumping! I'm getting the stockings Santa left for them full of treats and squeaky toys.
Elizabeth loves her new ride!
Yes, we got her two riding toys. Hey, this plays music and has Minnie Mouse on it - she had to have it!  :-)
Daddy had a lot of help opening gifts.

Papaw got a new vice for Christmas but Elizabeth thought it was a new "seat" for her.


Sean is still a little boy at heart. He loved his R2D2 card from Elizabeth.

I love all the monogrammed things Malisha makes!

The snowballs were a hit with Elizabeth.

Snuggle time!
Mommy, the roads in this house are too cluttered.
They are so happy and make such a sweet couple!
Christmas was so much fun. After opening gifts we had a wonderful meal and enjoyed the rest of the evening relaxing! God is great!