Sunday, January 25, 2015

Always Busy at the Fulwiler's

When we bought our house the walls and steps to the basement had never been finished. A few months ago we painted the walls but never did anything with the steps. I know, I know everyone says "they are steps that go to your basement, why does it matter"?  Well I'm sorry, but they just looked nasty and I couldn't stand it.  We had several buckets of leftover paint so I mixed a couple colors together and came up with a color close to a wood tone. We had leftover stain to update the handrails which looked so much better once we finished them. I bought an inexpensive stencil, candle holder and hung a wreath -wah lah, a cute, clean staircase.  I have thought about putting a glaze on the stairs to bring out the wood grain a little more, but that will have to wait. We are now in the process of changing out our fireplace mantle.

I liked this stencil because I believe you should never give up on your dreams!
I also bought a large box of apples from a lady at work who was selling them for her childs school. I have been wanting to try my cooking skills at homemade apple butter. I found a recipe on that seemed easy enough. OMGoodness it turned out amazing and other than peeling a ton of apples it is really easy to make. We will definitely be making this again next year or when we run out of our favorite treat on toast or biscuits.
As you can see we've already been enjoying the sweet, cinnamonie treat!