Monday, May 12, 2014

So Much Fun!

Chris, Allyson, Jim and I went to this fun German restaurant in...
believe it or not Weber City, named Gausthaus Edelweiss! The owners came and sat with us and we talked the night away. The food was very authentic and oh so good and we thoroughly enjoyed talking with the owners!

  Malisha loves crafts especially sewing. She bought an embroidery machine several months ago and has worn it out making cute things for family and friends. She has been wanting a bigger machine and talked about it all the time. Jim and I decided to give her an early birthday/Christmas gift - hence the crazy wrapping. When she dropped by to visit and bring Elizabeth she saw the large package on the kitchen table. She thought it was a gift for Sean since we were leaving in a couple days to visit him. I explained that the gift was for her. She had a stunned and confused look on her face as she walked toward the gift. She ripped open the paper, saw what the box was, looked at me and said "you're sh**ing me". I cracked up, not only was she shocked, but she never says anything out of the way. She was so happy and excited. First thing she did was take off to Hobby Lobby! Nothing makes a parent happier than seeing their children so happy and excited.

 Jim and I planned a trip to Destin to visit Sean and Vanessa. Our trip started out fun and relaxing because we knew our pups and house would be well taken care of.  This is our friend Pat the dog sitter.
We had such a fun time visiting, eating, laying on the beach and catching up. Oh Life is Good!
 Our resort was fabulous and right on the beach!

 We were so close to the water you could sit in the living room and enjoy the beauty and sound of the waves.
 Beautiful blue skies and soft, white sand - what more could a girl want!

 Since Sean's job is working on fighter jets we had to visit his base and the Air Force museum.

Dinner at the Back Porch. Their food and drinks were awsome.
 Snuggling/aggravating my baby!  ;-)

 We also ate at a really neat place - Boshams. OMGoodness the food and atmosphere was awesome!

Such a fun busy month!!!!