Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More of our Bahama's Cruise

Okay, this crazy guy was everywhere - always dancing Skylight inside the ship
Inside the ship - everything was spotless and so pretty

The Disney ship pulled in beside us at Nassau

Relaxing on the top deck. The breeze was wonderful and the view was awesome! Some of the gang hanging out on the top deck Dwayne and I had to dance to one of my favorite songs "Browned Eyed Girl"

Inside the ship

The fun park on the top deck of the ship
A huge chess game. Each piece was about the size of a chair
The first drink my crazy friends bought me on the morning of my birthday
Before I could get the first one drank here came another one

Allyson, Chris, Mark and Cheryl enjoying the salt water pool
Dwayne said this "just wasn't him" - I think it looks great!
Mark Squib and Darlene Thornburg
Hanging out having fun
Dwayne and Jim at 7:30 a.m. coming into port at Nassau
Dwayne and Larry waiting to go down the big water slide
Jim and Larry racing down the slideCheryl and I going down the water slide
Fountain in the straw market at Freeport
View coming into Freeport - shipyard
Love it - this is the towel animal that was in my room on the night of my birthday.
How did they know I love puppies?One of the many photos they take while on the cruise Taken during dinner
The color of the water is unimaginable! It is absolutely beautiful! Inside the Atlantis

Check out he shark
Nassau - the water is so beautiful
Lighthouse at Nassau
Atlantis Resort, this place was huge

More inside the Atlantis
Jim said this is going to be his new profile picture
Oh to be back doing this! :)
Allyson and Chris the morning we were leaving
Smile Mon
Jim the morning we were leaving to come home
There were 19 of us on the cruise and this was by far my favorite vacation! We had an awesome time with lots of wonderful friends. Can't wait until we all go again!