Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jim and Chris's Birthday

Jim and Chris have birthdays close together. We had a small get together with some of our great friends (whom we had just been on vacation with) at Allyson and Chris's beautiful home. We still hadn't gotten over our cruise and went with the beach theme. We got to talking about age and here came Allyson hobbling out on a walker. She had knee surgery several months ago and just couldn't part with her little helper! We laughed until we cried! She is so funny and a wonderful friend!
Mark and Cheryl Squibb - they always bring tons of laughs
Me and Marilyn - of course we are the sweet/calm ones! :) Mike and Dwayne - don't remember what Marilyn had said, but they were laughing at something crazy (probably from the cruise)
Chris, Allyson, Dwayne, Jim and Mike
Just got through eating some wonderful BBQ - yummo
What can I say "boys will be boys." Mark and Chris were trying to see who could make the biggest stream
We dont' know who won boys - such talent!
Mark finished the night off showing us his ballet skills on the diving board. Come on Mark - get those toes pointed! :)
The party was a lot of fun and our boys don't look a day over 29!
Happy Birthday Jim and Chris!