Sunday, September 26, 2010

Barter with Bev

Beverly and I went to a play at Barter. I had never heard of it, but a guy we work with said it was funny. It was all about 6 guys who lose their jobs and end up stripping to pay their bills. There were two old guys, one heavy guy, two gay guys and a fairly normal guy. They had no coordination - which definitely made the play funny.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jim and Chris's Birthday

Jim and Chris have birthdays close together. We had a small get together with some of our great friends (whom we had just been on vacation with) at Allyson and Chris's beautiful home. We still hadn't gotten over our cruise and went with the beach theme. We got to talking about age and here came Allyson hobbling out on a walker. She had knee surgery several months ago and just couldn't part with her little helper! We laughed until we cried! She is so funny and a wonderful friend!
Mark and Cheryl Squibb - they always bring tons of laughs
Me and Marilyn - of course we are the sweet/calm ones! :) Mike and Dwayne - don't remember what Marilyn had said, but they were laughing at something crazy (probably from the cruise)
Chris, Allyson, Dwayne, Jim and Mike
Just got through eating some wonderful BBQ - yummo
What can I say "boys will be boys." Mark and Chris were trying to see who could make the biggest stream
We dont' know who won boys - such talent!
Mark finished the night off showing us his ballet skills on the diving board. Come on Mark - get those toes pointed! :)
The party was a lot of fun and our boys don't look a day over 29!
Happy Birthday Jim and Chris!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Wonderful Cruise to the Bahamas

Jim and I took a cruise with 17 other friends to the Bahamas. We had an awesome time! I have never laughed so much in my life! The ship was beautiful, the food was awesome, the entertainment was amazing and the friendship was special - a perfect vacation! Mark Squibb at the hotel before we caught the shuttle to the ship.
Jim staying inside where it was cool until our shuttle arrived
Before getting on the boat
Our fun ship for the week
Everyone during formal night except for the Squibbs - they had to sit at another table
Marilyn and Jim
Got cha!
Beth, Mike, Dwayne and Marily - the first day on the ship
Sitting on the back of the boat just taking it all in
Cheryl aggrivating Mark - believe me, he deserves it!
Jim taking it all in on day one. It was cloudy for a couple hours and then perfect weather the rest of the trip.
We made our way inside to listen to a band and have a glass of wine.

David and Pam
Our first animal towel
Amazing ice sculputure - it took him 19 minutes to carve this Beth and Dwayne - we all had soooo much fun! Dwayne posing for us
Did he just win at the casino?
There Beth is again enjoying being taken care of!
Oh yeah - Allyson getting down with the waiter
Beth just sitting back taking all our craziness in
Marilyn and Mike
Larry and Mark drinking their coffee in a proper manner!
I have no idea what come over me - I hadn't had a drop to drink! Guess I was thinking about leaving this fun ship and coming back to work!
Formal Night
The gang minus Pam's daughter and daughter-in-law Allyson and I on our way to dinner. Met the Cruise Coordinator and someone told her it was my birthday. She walked me over to a bar and told the bartender to make me anything I wanted. I couldn't decide, so he made me his favorite. She bought one for me and Allyson and then had him make Jim and Chris what they wanted. Then she brought the ships captain over and introduced me. The night was awesome!
The birthday cake they ordered for me. OMG, it was to die for! Everyone including our waiters sang Happy Birthday to me - yes I felt very special and loved! Thanks everyone! I have now caught up with the rest of the Big 50 group. Beth and Dwayne
David and Pam
Marilyn dancing with our sweet waiter
Darlene and Mark Thornburg
There Marilyn is again - wait until I show this at work

Love this picture of Allyson
Two of my fave's!
Lindsay and the spoon on her nose trick Donna and Larry - they were just too funny!
OMG the craziest of all crazies - Mark and Cheryl Squibb
Marily and Mike - during one of her calm moments :)
Our waiter at the pool - Matthew, I think he said he was from Ireland Our Matre‘d Every night during dinner he would get on the microphone and say "Everyone - How - Was - Your - Dinnnnner The magician who came around doing card tricks. He was amazing!
Our two waiters. We had the same two guys every night.