Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thursday: Had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Started the day out with a call from Sean. It is always so good to hear from him and learn about what he is doing while in Korea. He is making a ton of friends and enjoying seeing new countries. He also made Senior Airman on the 17th, which is exciting! Holiday's are not the same without him, but I know he loves what he is doing and getting to see so much. I finally had to make Malisha hang up the phone and get ready to go eat. I usually cook Thanksgiving dinner, but this year decided to take a break. We drove to Greeneville to eat at the Farmers Daughter. We had to wait for two hours - so I did a little shopping at the Mennonite store just beside the restaurant. Malisha finished off her book and Jim relaxed on the front porch. Oh my goodness - it was worth the wait, the food was fantastic!

Friday: Jim and I have a date tonight, so we didn't get into too much. Jim fixed breakfast while I dragged out some Christmas decorations. I have decided to not put out as much as I usually do. Now that the kids are older - I decorate less. I use to always put up two trees. A "snowman" tree would go upstairs for the kids to decorate. I would place some of their old toys underneath including a rocking chair and stuffed bears. I've decided all that is just too much work. I have several boxes of decorations saved for the kids that I just don't use any more. Anyway, for our date we went to the Blue Moon Dinner Theatre in Johnson City to see "A Tuna Christmas". We sat with a really sweet couple enjoying the conversation. They also blog about dining in the Tri-cities (check out their site under my links). The food was fabulous and the play was a hoot. You must check this neat little place out. We will definitely be going back.
Saturday: We worked our tails off putting up Christmas stuff which always includes a trip to Michaels for some new garland, ribbon or trinkets. Our tree is pretty big, so it takes a while to decorate. In the past, I have always put it in the living room, but this year I wanted a change, so I put it in the foyer. I think I like it there much better and it doesn't crowd the living room. Now I need to get those presents wrapped.

Sweet Little Piqo wearing his Christmas sweater

A tray I had from Pier 1, I put some ornamnets and cones in
Top of entertainment centerSunday: I woke up early and took the pups out - I'm not sure, but I think they are the reason I woke up. I pressed the "on" button on the "get me going juice" and looked in the fridge. Since Jim fixed breakfast yesterday, thought I should do something today - especially since I worked him so hard. I decided on biscuits, gravy and eggs - as if I haven't done enough harm to my waistline the past few days! Oh well - it tasted good. After church we were still full from breakfast, so we skipped lunch. We decided to go to the movies. We have been wanting to see "The Blind Side". Jim dropped me off at the front to get tickets while he parked. Guess what - they were sold out! This is the first time I've ever gone to see a movie that was sold out. We bought tickets for the next showing and came back. I'm glad we did - the movie is a must see - the kind that puts a smile on your face as you are walking out. It is also based on a true story, which makes you feel extra good inside. Anyway, we had a great weekend and got a lot done. I am so thankful to our Lord for the many blessings he has given me and the wonderful life we are Privileged to live!
This is the real family the movie is based on.