Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gifts from God

Do you ever just stop and think about how good God is to us and how great life is? This weekend was another beautiful gift from God. As Jim and I were pulling out of the driveway just going for a ride with the top down on our little Honda, I looked at him and said "life is good". Of course having Jim as a husband is one of the things God put in my life that has helped make my life so awesome! He is the sweetest and best husband I could ever imagine any girl having. We went for a nice drive, bought a cute new chair, ate dinner at the "Farmer's Daughter" in Greeneville, went to the movies and enjoyed the beautiufl weather! We are so blessed to have each other and God in our lives.
This photo is a Christmas cactus I bought a few years ago. Each year I am surprised when it blooms and it seems to have more every year - what a beautiful gift. When I see it burst open with so many blooms, I always think about the wonderful gift God gave us - the birth of his son and our savior Jesus Christ. Thank you God for your son, my husband, my life and the many blessings I enjoy each and every day. I am truly thankful and I love you!