Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What a Busy Weekend!

We had a fun and busy weekend. First we put the top down on our little Honda and rode up to see my sweet friend Monica (don't look at my hair, it always looks bad when you've been riding in a convertible). She use to work with me, but quit her job to pursue her dream - catering and opening a bakery. Well she did it and has been open for three weeks. It is called "Sweet Addictions" in Hampton. She makes wonderful desserts and box lunches, so be sure to stop by and see her. Next we stopped at a car show - had to make sure Jim was having fun! Check out this truck - I'm not into vehicles that much, but this truck even caught my eye.
I liked the pink 57 Chevy convertible. It looks like a girls car!
Next we went shopping for Jim so new workout shoes. After we got home, Malisha wanted to go shopping for her some new bedding. She has been wanting to re-do her room in a relaxing beach theme for months. This is the bedding set she chose. I love the chocolate brown and ice blue together. We hung brown gromet style drapes and fun brown and blue beach accessories. It took us two days to paint - her room is big, but it looks fabulous! It was hard work, especially considering "I hate to paint", but it pleased me to see her so happy with the end result. Now she has to keep it clean! :)
It was a fun and busy weekend so I'm definitely looking forward to relaxing at the beach for a few days before school starts back!