Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I thought the death of Michael Jackson was very sad. He was still so young and had three children to raise. I know there have been a lot of bad publicity about him over the years, but I hate to think that a man so talented and giving would do the things he was accused. Nothing ever came of any of the alligations, so I choose to believe in the good of people.
Anyway, I too was a Michael Jackson fan 20-some years ago. I use to dance to all his songs and would stop anything I was doing to watch the Thriller video on MTV. I won free tickets on WQUT to the Victory Tour in Knoxville in 1984. I was so excited!! I truly loved every minute of his show - especially his famous moon walk. He put on a fantastic concert!

I still have two of his albums - but of course nothing to play them on.

I also have my ticket stub. I pray for comfort to his children and family and that he is at peace with God.