Tuesday, June 9, 2009

KASC Annual Picnic

Once a year the safety council has a picnic and for the past two years we have had it at Golfers Edge on Stone Drive - thanks to Junior & Whitney Carr.
Gene and Phyllis - they always put 110% into everything they do for the council. Everything was free to the council members and family. Sean came home for the weekend, so we all went. I love it when we get to do things as a family.
Sean in the batting cage.
Malisha waiting for her turn up at the plate.
Phyllis is our photographer - thought I would get a picture of how we normally see her.
Debbie, Jean and their kids and grandkids.
Gene hard at work - putting out all the great food he grilled - love the hat Gene!
Malisha always finds a baby to play with - this time it was a puppy.
I have no idea what was said - but we both sure got tickled.
Cute little Pearl and Tom - it was so wonderful to sit and catch up.
Tom and his two cute grandkids - they had just came back from a week at the beach.
Playing Miniture Golf - Whitney let everyone know it is not Putt Putt ;)
Everyone gives Jean a hard time - so here I go. "Get off the phone Jean"!
"Jean, are you still talking"?
Jean & Dana watching the kids play "miniture golf"
Looks like Jean finally hung up! :)
Sean trying out his macho pose
Acting goofy - oops, I mean cool.
Gene in his funny hat - did you notice the bird is eating a chip?
I don't think Malisha was happy with Jim's hole-in-one. How many did you make 3 or 4?
We had such a fun time. The weather was wonderful with just a slight breeze.
That's my boy.