Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile

I had just finished the semester with a chemistry teacher who made the last few weeks extremly challenging. My sweet friend, Marsha and I celebrated classes being over at Stir Fry with flirtini's and sushi. What a great way to end the semester! A few other things that make me happy other than my wonderful husband and kids are of course my puppys! In case you didn't know, I didn't want a dog - not in my house! Oh my gosh, I am the worse at treating them as if they are people.
This is one of Matties favorite places to sit.
Look what a cutie!
Piqo laying with his favorite toy.
Another thing that puts a true smile on my face are flowers. These are some iris's that were my grandmother's. With all the rain we have had in the past few weeks, everything is so pretty and green. You can see the fresh grass we planted a few weeks ago - it is coming up great!
Knock-out rose bush. This thing was tiny when I bought it.
Peonie's - a beautiful old fashioned flower.
I tried a few new things in one of my containers this year. The stringy green plant is a fiber optic flower. I'm anxious to see what it does.
The pansies I planted in the fall are just beautiful right now.
This verbena gets bigger every year.
This photo does not do this iris justice - it is gorgous.