Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shopping in Blowing Rock

You know we can't stay home on the weekends and being the girl I am I wanted oops needed a new Coach purse. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness, Coach was offering an extra 25% off any purchase if you donated a $1.00. So off to Blowing Rock we go.
The drive up was beautiful. The leaves are starting to turn and the weather was perfect.
Jim resting and guarding my first two big purchases.
The fall decorations were so pretty.

After shopping we toured the actual "Blowing Rock."
The Legend of The Blowing Rock
It is said that a Chickasaw chieftan, fearful of a white man's admiration for his lovely daughter, journeyed far from the plains to bring her to The Blowing Rock and the care of a squaw mother. One day the maiden, daydreaming on the craggy cliff, spied a Cherokee brave wandering in the wilderness far below and playfully shot an arrow in his direction. The flirtation worked because soon he appeared before her wigwam, courted her with songs of his land and they became lovers, wandering the pathless woodlands and along the crystal streams.
One day a strange reddening of the sky brought the brave and the maiden to The Blowing Rock. To him it was a sign of trouble, commanding his return to his tribe in the plains. With the maiden's entreaties not to leave her, the brave, torn by conflict of duty and heart, leaped from The Rock into the wilderness far below. The grief-stricken maiden prayed daily to the Great Spirit until one evening with a reddening sky, a gust of wind blew her lover back onto The Rock and into her arms. From that day a perpetual wind has blown up onto The Rock from the valley below. For people of other days, at least, this was explanation enough for The Blowing Rock's mysterious winds causing even the snow to fall upside down.

The views were amazing. I would love to see this when I look out my window.

The sky was so blue. My dad use to say the sky is always the bluest during the month of October.
Isn't God wonderful! You can feel his presence when you look out onto something so beautiful!
Poor Jim, he hates all the picture taking but he is a good sport and goes along.
On the way home, we had to eat at Shirley's! Yum - old fashion home cooking!