Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busy Weekend

Okay, since Sean left on Friday, Jim wanted to make sure I stayed busy this weekend. Boy, did we ever! Friday night I stopped by a friends house to catch up. She told me about a yard sell the neighborhood was having the next day and wanted me to come help and bring anything I wanted to sell. So off to load up the truck I went.
Early Saturday morning the yard sell started and we didn't stop for hours. I even got a marriage proposal from a sweet old man from Elizabethton - he was so cute! We did really well with our sale and I got rid of so much stuff. What didn't sell we took to Goodwill - it's always a good feeling to clear things out. The rest of the night was pretty calm, we went to dinner and gave the pups a bath. I had no trouble sleeping!
Sunday we went to church and afterwards visited a friend of mine who is in the hospital. He is in his early 40's and collapsed stretching before his Judo class. The doctor's are not sure what happened yet. He is doing better and is off the ventilator, but has a long rough road ahead of him. He is such a picture of health - it was a shock to hear the news. He and his wife just adopted their first child - a little boy they have been foster parents to since he was an infant. My friends name is Eddie - so keep him in your prayers!
Next we took a drive to Steel Creek Park - what a neat little place. Of course we had to take our fun car! Jim loves driving and I enjoy sight seeing!

This picture is a little dark, but I wanted to show some of the pathways. We definitely want to go back when the leaves turn - it will be beautiful!

They have lots of things to do here especially for kids. This is a red ear turtle - I thought he was neat looking. They have train rides - both kids and adults rode.
Paddle boats and several walking and bike trails. Next we stopped by Sonny's for customer appreciation day to eat wings with our friends Bill and Donna.
Yes another bad hair day from riding with the top down.
Okay, so we're almost home and I asked Jim to change vehicles - we needed the truck. He is like "oh no, what is she wanting to do now." We went by the Green Boys house to buy hay for fall decorating. I've known these boys since high school, so we've been friends for more years than I care to discuss. Well, I only wanted a little bag of hay and some fodder. However, Gerald loaded our truck up! We ended up with a large bundle of fodder, a whole bale of hay, some indian corn and tomatoes. :) My other sweet friend, Allyson gave us the mums and I bought the plow at Jim's uncle's auction a few years ago. I still need to buy a pretty ribbon to tie around the fodder. I also made a new hanging for my front door. Check out my decorations below. I love my friends and am blessed to have so many great ones! What a fun weekend we had! Thanks Honey - you're the best!
Happy Fall Ya'll!