Thursday, January 19, 2017

Exercise - why now, why ever?

I have to admit I despise exercising, but at my age it is a necessity.  I try to exercise at work since they have a nice little gym downstairs with quite a bit of equipment.  However, I don't always have time to get a workout in and after missing a few days I can feel it.  I told Jim I would like to have a recumbent bike at home and some stretch bands so I can workout during the evenings.  Of course he always does the research to find the best deal. We found a Schwinn bike on sale at Dicks right after Christmas, so we snatched it up.  We already purchased the bands and a mat so a bike was all I needed for my routine.  I ride the bike for 30 minutes then I include squats, leg stretches/lifts, planks, sit-ups, push-ups and I use the bands for my arms. I try to exercise 4-6 times a week, taking a break on Sunday. I sure miss those days of not needing to exercise to feel good and stay slim.  Back at the gym I'll be tomorrow.  💪
We purchased this type of exercise bands because the bands can easily be switched out depending on the amount of tension you want.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Our First Snow of 2017

I don't particularly like winter, but I must admit this was a beautiful snow!
What to do when its cold?
Make sure the birds are fed...
make sure your puppy is warm...
and get your husband to vacuum since he is stuck in the house! :)
Even though we were "stuck" in the house, Jim and I had a sweet weekend of cooking, cleaning, playing Domino's, watching TV and just enjoying spending time together. We are so blessed and happy!