Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Rainbow Bridge For Our Sweet Maddie

Today has been a very sad day at the Fulwiler home. We had to have our sweet Maddie put to sleep. She started losing weight a couple months ago but still acting very normal. We took her to the vet where they informed us she had large tumors in her body, cancer and a lot of bladder stones. Yesterday she started peeing every few minutes and there was a lot of blood in her urine. The vet said her bladder was full of stones but she was too old for surgery. We chose to let her go peacefully while we loved and petted on her. I will sure miss my sweet baby! She was 14 years old last month.
Loved this picture of her watching Animal Planet!
She was Piqo's best buddy!
She loved to be covered up all snuggly in a blanket.
This is what she looked like when we first got her! Too cute!