Thursday, October 27, 2016

Happy Halloween Cute Little Witch

This year Malisha had a hard time deciding on a costume for Elizabeth. I told her I had seen some cute ones at Cracker Barrel and would stop and see if they had anything I thought Elizabeth would like.  She makes the cutest little witch and she loves that her baby doll has on the exact same outfit!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Rainbow Bridge For Our Sweet Maddie

Today has been a very sad day at the Fulwiler home. We had to have our sweet Maddie put to sleep. She started losing weight a couple months ago but still acting very normal. We took her to the vet where they informed us she had large tumors in her body, cancer and a lot of bladder stones. Yesterday she started peeing every few minutes and there was a lot of blood in her urine. The vet said her bladder was full of stones but she was too old for surgery. We chose to let her go peacefully while we loved and petted on her. I will sure miss my sweet baby! She was 14 years old last month.
Loved this picture of her watching Animal Planet!
She was Piqo's best buddy!
She loved to be covered up all snuggly in a blanket.
This is what she looked like when we first got her! Too cute!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Maggie Valley and Gatlinburg

Jim and I took a sweet weekend trip to Maggie Valley, Cherokee, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. We started our trip off in Maggie Valley at the "Wheels Through Time" Museum. It was actually a great museum that even "I" enjoyed!
The guy in the center is the owner of the museum. He walks around talking to visitors, taking photos with people and talking about his cars and motorcycles.

This was Evil Kenevil's motorcycle.
I thought this old car that was home built was pretty cool.

After enjoying our museum visit we drove over to Cherokee to give them a little money. ;-)
The next morning we drove through the mountains enjoying the beautiful scenery!
It was cold on top, 32 degrees!
In Pigeon Forge we stayed at the beautiful Westgate Resort! We enjoyed the fireplace, whirlpool tub and huge room!  We did a little shopping, ate way too much and just being together!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Be Thankful for a Blessed Life

Life can be hectic and sometimes I feel like all I do is work. I have to make myself take a break and enjoy all the sweet friends and family I have who are close to me. After working at Eastman and the shop on Friday's I tend to go home and rest. Instead this Friday we went to dinner with a friend we both have known for around 35 years - Darrell and his sweet wife Janice. We met at Tupelo Honey in J.C. I had their delicious salmon and Jim had the waffle chicken. Our meals were fabulous and it was so much fun catching up with the Murphy's. I didn't get any pictures to post - but wanted to remember this fun evening with them.
As I was getting ready to go to the shop on Saturday morning, Jim ran the vacuum cleaner. I always tell him how cute he is behind the vacuum cleaner, stove, dishwasher, broom...  :-)
After getting off work from the shop Malisha brought Elizabeth over. I hadn't spent time with her in about three weeks - I was having withdrawals! We had so much fun, eating a big breakfast, going to the park, playing in the yard with the wagon I bought Malisha when she turned one and playing on her swing set.  Our new neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves. Elizabeth and their daughter, Grace 2 1/2 immediately became friends.
I couldn't love these two more!  
On Sunday we took Elizabeth home after playing for about 5 straight hours - we both were exhausted but had a blast! Jim and I were invited to another longtime friend from work (Celeste and Kim) for a cookout. Oh my goodness we had such great time. We are looking forward to riding our motorcycle with them and making more fun memories!
Yes, life can be hectic sometimes but we must stop and be thankful for all the blessings we have!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Fun Photo

I always have a great time when hanging out with friends - I have some of the sweetest!  Barbara is always a joy to be around and willing to do anything!  We attended the ECU Appreciation Day at Eastman. Times News was on hand taking fun photos of participants.