Thursday, December 19, 2013

Busy December

After realizing her true calling, changing her major, getting married and having a baby Malisha completed her degree. I am so proud of her and she will be an amazing teacher!

Pinning Ceremony

Graduation Day!
 Of course I have to post pictures of my sweet Elizabeth. She is 7 months old in these photos.

 This sweet family is making wonderful memories! Elizabeth is 6 months old.

She looks like she is saying "of course I've been good Santa!"

 I love this photo! She looks like she is pouting, but she isn't - she is a happy baby and everything goes into her mouth.
Jim and I love to start the Christmas Season out with a play at Barter.  On December 7th, we went to Barter to see "A Christmas Story" and then had an awesome meal at the Peppermill. I love date nights with my sweetie!