Sunday, March 31, 2013

Baby Shower for Malisha

Whitney Hunt and I gave Malisha and Eric a baby shower. Whitney made the cake, cupcakes and party favors. The party favors looked like the cake topper without the chocolate bird. She did an amazing job!

 We had  BJ's cagtering supply the food - OMGoodness, it was AMAZING and so worth the money. I wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the party without worrying about food preparation.

Memorabillia table from when Malisha was a baby.

 Whitney and Malisha
 It took some coaxing, but we managed to get Eric there! ;0)
 Allison trying to figure out what flavor of candybar was in the diaper. 

 Eric liked this onsie - it said "Daddy won't let me date until I'm 30"!

 A hairbow for every outfit!
 Cute blanket Anita made with Elizabeth's name on it.
 Oh yeah - my sweet friend Angela knew what to buy "I Love My Grandma"!
 Eric doesn't know what to think about all this "girl" stuff...
 so he bought her a pink camo outfit!
 This snow globe was beautiful and it has her name engraved on it.
 So precious!
 Yes Eric - another frilly dress from Mamaw!


Maria sniffing the poop, I mean candy bar diaper
Malisha and Eric were thrilled with all the fun, beautiful gifts Elizabeth received. She is already so blessed

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Piqo's Surgery

Piqo tore his Cruciate Ligament in his knee completely in two. Apparently this is pretty common in small dogs. He jumped off the front porch (only two steps) like he does everyday and immediately started limping. We thought he would be back to normal in a couple of days, but when he continued to limp several days later we took him to the vet. They said it would never heal, he would continue to limp and would have more trouble later in life. We feel so sorry for him - but he sure is a trooper and so gentle. He did really well with surgery and is healing great!
 But....he still doesn't like to have his picture taken!  :0)~

Elizabeth's Room

A super fun day helping Malisha and Eric decorate Elizabeth's room.

Shooting and Celebrating

Jim loves to target shoot, so one Sunday afternoon I decided to join him. We went to Shooters Edge and shot up several rounds.  :0)
 Chris, Allyson, Jim and I had dinner at The Battery in Johnson City to celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary on February 12th.


I'm really behind on my post! :(

Sean came home after Christmas for a week to spend with his family. Spending time with my kids is one of my favorite things! Al and Sue met us in Knoxville at Brazerios Restaurant for dinner. The food was "amazing" and it was great spending time with everyone!