Thursday, September 6, 2012

God Always Has a Better Plan Than We Do!

On August 19th Jim had gone to our lot to install a silt fence to prevent dirt from washing into the road. As he was starting the ditch witch it kicked back on him breaking his wrist. He went to the Emergency Room where they took x-rays and set the bone. A couple days later at his doctor's follow-up visit the doctor saw a growth in the bone. He immediately contacted Vanderbilt Hospital for test and surgery to remove and biopsy the tumor, and then rebuild the bone. Our prayers were the test results would would come back "benign". We had many friends,co-workers, family and church members praying for Jim.
 Piqo seldom left his side. It is so sweet how our pups know when something is wrong or if one of us is not feeling well.
On Monday, August 27th we drove to Nashville, checked into our room and had dinner with some friends. It was nice being around friends because we both were scared and worried. Being around friends eased some of the worries we could not shake.
 We didn't have time to site-see, but while driving through town we saw this statue and thought it was pretty cool.
 The next morning, August 28th (my birthday), we had breakfast at our hotel and then went to the hospital. The staff at Vanderbilt are the nicest medical professionals I have ever encountered. The doctor informed us the tumor is benign and Jim would not even need surgery. She said the bone would heal around the tumor and be stronger than it was before. My eyes filled with tears of joy and my first thought was "Wow, God answered our prayers even better than what we were asking for"! The doctor said Jim would need to wear a cast for at least 3 months to allow the bone to properly heal. Of course he chose an orange one (Go UT). We left the hospital and drove straight home in complete shock. We were expecting, at best, our news would be surgery, but God took care of us and we needed nothing more than a new cast!
Thank you God for anwering our prayers. You truly are an Awesome God!
P.S. I received the best birthday present ever - a good report from Jim's doctor's!