Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jim and I took a vacation to Washington D.C. for a week. There is so much to see and the history is amazing. I must say - site seeing is not for wimps, but we had an awesome time.
Washington Monument
 Smithsonian Museum Welcome Center/Castle

 There are two shades of stone because they ran out and had to stop building. When they started back they had to go to a different quarry and the stone was a darker shade.

I was so choken up I could barely speak when I went through these memorials.

 Was it going to the White House?

 All the names on the wall are in a book at the entrance. Jim and Martha knew Jesse Archer from Kingsport. He died in Vietnam.
 It was Father's Day, so roses were placed at the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
 We found Jesse's name.

 The Lincoln Memorial
The Reflecting Pond was shut down for construction.

 Everything was massive - Jim is at the Lincoln Memorial.

 Korean Memorial

 Engravings on the wall at the Korean Memorial

 Department of Agriculture - notice the dead flowers at the front :0)

 Back in front of the Smithsonian - the flowers here were beautiful!

 The Air and Space Museum

 A trunk that was made for Amelia Earhart to keep her awards and trophies in.

 A metal tree in one of the art gardens
 Inside the Natural History Museum
 Petrified wood
 Jim loves snakes
 An elephant at the entrance of the Natural History Museum
 An actual mummy - this was a little creepy!
 I ran into some of my family - no wait, Jim's family! :0)

The Hope Diamond

 Oyster plates - yes you could see everything at the museum.
 The Smithsonian again - I thought this was the pretties building in D.C.

 The Ford Theatre where Lincoln was shot.

The house across the street from the Ford Theatre where Lincoln died.
 Inside the Ford Theatre Museum
 The booth Lincoln was shot in.

 The bed Lincoln died in.
 The Old Post Office

 Inside the Post Office - this was a neat place. You could go up into the towers and see the city.

 The Capitol from one of the towers in the Post Office.
 The rooftops of some of the city buildings. This is their way of having a yard. 
 We saw a few homeless sleeping on benchs. 
 At the Department of Treasury
 The Dept. of Treasury in the background.

 The White House

 Guards on top of the White House
 Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown
 Changing of the Guard
 The Marine Band playing at Arlington in front of the Iwo Jima Statue

 Presentation of the Colors

 Playing Taps

  The Capitol


 Inside the Capitol
Statue of Lincoln inside the Capitol

 The dome inside the Capitol

 Inside the Smithsonian Castle

The National Cathedral

  The National Archives - you were not allowed to take photos inside.
 While visiting Georgetown, we shopped and ate at Clydes. This was a beautiful old town.
Georgetown Canal where mules would bring goods into the town - before railcars.
The arches in Chinatown. We ate dinner at the Matchbox - it was awesome!
Holocaust Museum - one of the saddest places I've ever been to, but so worth my time.

 Shoes of only a few of the Holocaust victims.

On our last day in D.C. we went back to Georgetown to shop. Our trip was amazing, exciting, educational and exhausting!