Thursday, June 16, 2011

Personal Bridal Shower for Angela

I had a Personal Bridal Shower for my sweet friend Angela in April. Since they were getting married in Hawaii I went with a Luau theme. We had tons of delicious food including shrimp, quiche, fresh fruit and vegetables, pineapple cheeseball, sangria punch and much more. OMG the food was so good. I bought lei's for everyone and decorated the dinning room with tiki lights, pineapples, hibiscus flowers and grass skirts. I forgot to get a picture of it :( The girls with their gifts from me (the hostess)
Allyson - always smiling.
Me and my sweet buddy! I am so happy for her!
Look at all those Victoria Secret bags! ;)
hummm just what do you do with this?
The cute bride - we had so much fun!
She asked Gary to stop by and meet everyone. Love this photo - they both look so happy! Angela and all her girlfriends + Gary. We had a great time! Of course poor Jim always helps me clean up. He is the best!
Congratulations to the sweet couple!