Friday, January 1, 2010

Snow, Christmas, New Years and Football

For Christmas I got Jim tickets to the Chick fil a game in Atlanta. Our seats were on the 45 yard line, roll 23 - they were awesome. We stayed at the beautiful Mariott Marquis in the middle of town. Looking up from the main floor. I think there are over 40 floors.
New Years & Game

Another picture from inside.

Happy New Year - we just toasted in the new year - 2010

Some fun friends we met while there. They live in Chattanooga and Nashville and were a hoot to hang out with.

Okay, so this guy had on duckie footed pajamas. He was so funny and happy. This is what comes out of Virginia Tech.
At the game
Go Vols!

Even with Tn. loosing - we had a great time!


For Christmas my puppies got me - what else but puppy pj's!
The aftermath. There would have been a bigger mess if Sean was home, but I had to mail his gifts to him in Korea. We missed you Sean!

Gingerbread house Malisha and I made. These things take a lot of time, but I think it turned out pretty good.
The two little stockings on top of the packages are Mattie and Piqo's. Mattie knew one of them was hers. I actually had to put them up because she kept crying wanting hers; guess she could smell peanut butter treats in them.

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve at the Mason's. Jim played Santa again this year. Great job honey, you make a great Santa!
Dawn and Jeb just as Santa came in.
Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas!
(Don't you love the big Texas Howdy above the door)
Had to throw one of the pups in. They are such big buddies.
December 20th in Chickamauga Ga.

Al opening his presents. He had just gotten out of the hospital and Jim and I had just gotten there. I still had on my traveling attire. Oh well, it was great to spend time together.
Think she liked her soft and cuddly pj's?
Some of my favorite gifts - Coach!
Opening my present from Al.

December 19th at home!

The snow we got the weekend before Christmas was beautiful, but a lot of folks were without power and had a hard time getting around.
This is the snow on Sean's car. It was at least 7" deep.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!