Friday, October 9, 2009

Special Weekend

Sean has been deployed to South Korea and will be there for the next year. After his stint there, he will be stationed in Italy. I have no desire to go to Korea, so we won't see him for about a year, but I am saving my money for Italy! :)
Al and Sue wanted to see him before he left, so they came up from Georgia. On Saturday we went to the Apple Festival in Erwin. I could not believe how many people were there! Gary, the pastor at Bethel asked Sean to speak at church and wear his full dress blues. He did a fantastic job and I was so proud of him. He talked about where he would be going and what he would be doing. He also thanked the congregation for their love and support. There was a Missionary from Mexico, Susie who spoke about what she had been doing and the lives she has helped change through Jesus Christ. Later Gary spoke about the selfless committment of Sean and Susie; two totally different career choices, yet they both give of themselves to serve others. Then the elders came up and prayed for Sean and Susie. The service was so sweet and special. I had a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes the entire time.
Sean and Gary in front of Bethel. Gary retired from the Air Force, so he and Sean have really bonded. Gary has been a wonderful influence in Sean's life.
Al, me, Malisha and Sean
Sean left on Wednesday morning, October 7th. He was excited to be going, but I have to admit, it was really hard for me to tell him bye. I try to remember that he truly enjoys what he does and is getting to see the world - but I miss my kids being little and under my feet.
Waiting for them to call for his flight. Yes, we were all tired - his flight was early.
Please remember our young men and women in the service and keep them in your prayers!