Saturday, April 25, 2009

Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake

I raised money for "Bowl for Kids Sake" at work in honor of my division. This is the second year I've been involved and it is so much fun. I was thrilled with the amount donated - $1180.00 - wow! Everyone was so generous - easy to do since it is for kids and such a good cause. Part of the fun of this event is we form a team and go bowling. We choose a team name, which we won best name - Gutter Bugs and bowl for an hour! There were lots of prizes donated for participants. I came home with a free massage (can't wait), Best Buy gift certificate, Marble Slab certificates and movie passes. What a fun morning! Here are the members of my team. Malisha, Noah, Robin, me and Paul

They had us bowl in some pretty wild positions - granny style, backwards, between your legs and lying down. Here Malisha had to bowl laying down.