Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun and Busy Day

Jim and I enjoy riding around with the top down on our S2000. We rode up to Elizabethton to see the weekend car show.
Jim took these pictures of mustangs for Sean because we know how he loves "Tangs"!
Jim can't pass up a 57 Chevy - looking at them takes him back to his first car. Especially one the same color.
Isn't this funny!
After the car show we went to visit my parents grave site. Dad was in the military and always proud of our country and to have served. The VA is such a pretty and peaceful place.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake

I raised money for "Bowl for Kids Sake" at work in honor of my division. This is the second year I've been involved and it is so much fun. I was thrilled with the amount donated - $1180.00 - wow! Everyone was so generous - easy to do since it is for kids and such a good cause. Part of the fun of this event is we form a team and go bowling. We choose a team name, which we won best name - Gutter Bugs and bowl for an hour! There were lots of prizes donated for participants. I came home with a free massage (can't wait), Best Buy gift certificate, Marble Slab certificates and movie passes. What a fun morning! Here are the members of my team. Malisha, Noah, Robin, me and Paul

They had us bowl in some pretty wild positions - granny style, backwards, between your legs and lying down. Here Malisha had to bowl laying down.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birthday Party without the Guest of Honor

Jennifer, Fabio and Sonja were throwing a surprise birthday party for Don who is turning - believe it or not "70"! The cake and food was ordered and everyone had been invited. The night before Don wasn't feeling well, so he went to the doctor - he has strep! Being the wonderful friends we are, we had the party without him :) We did call and sing Happy Birthday to him and of course throw in a few jabs about what a great party it was. Poor Don - Happy Birthday Big Guy, we love ya!
Jennifer and Fabio's house is gorgeous and the view off the back deck is fabulous!
Look at Aly's cute little red chair beside Jim.

Janie - Sandy's date since Don was sick and she had to leave him at home.
Jim and Fabio - listening to a Leonard story.
Poor little Sonja - can't get away from work.
Jennifer and sweet little Aly.
Allyson and Chris came a little later. Wilson went to the DB prom, and since he only has his learners permit they had to drop off him and his date at Meadowview.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Britains Got Talent

We are so judgemental and overpowered by appearance! Susan Boyle, 48 left everyone dazed with her incredible performance on Britain's Got Talent. She has already become a worldwide phenomenon with her performance being viewed more than 12 million times on YouTube.
Take a few moments and watch the vidoe in the link below. I promise it is worth your time!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Jim and I before Church on Easter morning. I always look so forward to the music our choir sings on special Holidays. Just think - the two most special holidays are Christmas and Easter. Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ and Easter the Resurection of Jesus Christ! Thank you my Lord and Savior for the sacrifice you made for me!

I had a lot of homework due for class, so Jim didn't want me to spend so much time cooking a big Easter dinner. This is the first time in years I haven't cooked.
Yes - he is in the Military. Yes - he protects our country. Yes - he served in Iraq. Yes - he likes to color in the coloring books they have for kids.
He was enjoying this a little too much!