Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We celebrated New Years with all our good friends - what a great way to ring in 2009! Everyone got a room at Double Tree which included a dance, New Years toast and breakfast. The rooms were so nice and set up with champagne, party hats, beads and noise makers, not to mention the awesome chocolate chip cookies. We brought appetizers and had lots of fun and laughs before the party even began.

Look at that crazy Breezie in her cupcake PJ's! Sandy helping Allyson strike a Beyonce pose :)
Jim and his little cupcake! I'm not sure what Toni was telling here.
Allyson and Breezie

After all the fun we had upstairs we went downstairs to the dance.
Allyson looked fabulous! Chris is one lucky guy to have such a sweet and beautiful wife!
Sonja and her sweetie.

Toni and Leonard

Mike and Sharon looking cute as always.
Jim and Breezie (aka Anita)
Leonard has to hug all the girls. Sandy and Leonard
After Don took a nap earlier - he was ready for some fun.
Jim striking Superman pose ;)
Breezie and Allyson
Looks like we left Chris - we were actually on the dance floor.

No words needed - we all know what a nut Breezie is.
She had such a good time!
Boogie down Leo
We had Mike doing the Electric Slide

Don and Sandy I told you Leonard likes to hug all the girls.
Leonard and Jim
This guy hung around Breezie and Jim for hours.
Look out - now he's hugging Jim :)~
The next morning - of course we were all tired from all the dancing and ringing in the New Year. Here we are getting ready to eat breakfast.

I had a wonderful time. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of friends. I wish everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year. Love you guys!