Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day

This was our first Christmas without Sean home. It was sad without him here, but Jim and Malisha made the day fun. He did get to call twice during the holiday so of course that made everything much better.

We always start the gift opening with the pups first! They were so excited about their Christmas presents.My new Coach purse - always the perfect gift.

But then again - jewely is always one of my favorites. Looks like Jim watched the Penney's video on how to stay out of the doghouse ;)
Link to hysterical video:

I love jewelry and these are so unique - chocolate freshwater coin pearls.

Jim wanted a new TV for the kitchen - yes I got him a flat screen for the kitchen. We have way too many TV's in our house. I think the only rooms that don't have one is the laundry room and the bathrooms - sad isn't it? :)Jim loves the show 24, so Malisha got him the first three seasons. Sweet little Mattie - she is the best pound puppy ever! I think Malisha was happy with all her presents. Joey and Cathy Cathy loves to sing, so Joey bought her a kareoke set for Christmas. They brought it over and within seconds we were singing.

After opening gifts, singing and eating a fabulous dinner Jim went to his dads for a while. Malisha and I decided to take the convertible and go see Speedway in Lights at Bristol. It wasn't too cold, so we put the top down. You could see everything so much better.

At the end of the busy day my two babies were soooo tired!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve Jim played Santa for my friends from Texas. Our plan was to hear Santa ringing Christmas bells at the back door. The kids were so excited!
Santa got hugs from all!
They all had to sit on Santa's lap...
including me!
Then he was off to deliver toys to all the little kids all over the world!
Jeb opening his present from us

Monday, December 22, 2008

I Sleep With Santa

Santa has already been to our house!Piqo wanted to make sure doggie treats were in his stocking!
Making sure everything is just right.
Smile! --- I am! I never knew Santa had a fro!It's not Santa - it's my sweetie!

Okay, so why is Jim wearing the famous red suit? He is playing Santa for some friends of ours this Christmas Eve. He has been practicing his Ho Ho Ho's getting ready for the big day!
Merry Christmas

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Lord, I am so Thankful for You!

Yesterday I took some food to the Soup Kitchen. As I was walking back to my car, I passed a young couple with a small girl. She was in her dad's arms with her head on his shoulder sound asleep; they were going for a warm meal. I had tears in my eyes and a huge lump in my throat. As I started my car I thought about how much the Lord has blessed me and my family.

During this difficult time for our economy we need to remember the less fortunate.

But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:
And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.
Luke 14: 13,14

Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. Psalm 41:1,2

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17

I am so thankful for:

  1. Jesus Christ my Lord for saving me when I was a child.
  2. My wonderful husband, who always encourages me.
  3. My children: Sean who is selflessly serving our country in Iraq, so that we may be free and Malisha, who never causes me trouble and chooses to serve our Lord.
  4. Our church, which brings me so much peace and joy.
  5. My job, co-workers and friends whom I truly love.
  6. My warm home, cute dogs and each meal I eat.

I wish each of you a wonderful and Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Barter Theatre

Jim and I went to see "Another Night Before Christmas". We had an early lunch and then enjoyed one of the best plays I have seen in a long time. I highly recommend this play, it was awesome!

Big Brothers Big Sisters Christmas Party

Every year we help with the Big Brothers Big Sisters Christmas party held at the Eastman Lodge. We had around 30 children and over 40 adults. Everyone had a wonderful time and the lodge is such a beautiful place, especially at Christmas! Our wonderful photography crew: Stan, Bob and Brad

Christmas Party

Now that finals are over Jim and I can have a little fun! We went to a Christmas party at Chris and Allyson's house. The food was wonderful and of course hanging out with our crazy friends is always a treat! L to R: Allyson, Toni, Janie, Me and Leonard Sandy and Allyson
Sandy teaching Allie and Mason "I'm a Little Teapot"
Everyone always ends up hanging out in the kitchen where all the food was!
Sonja and Robin holding Justus
Julie and Jim posing in front of Allyson's beautiful tree.

Eugene with all his babies
Sandy trying to teach the Justus to crawl
Jim watching Alley dance and play
Mason and Alley were so cute together!
One proud Grandpa holding Peyton