Sunday, November 30, 2008

More pictures from Sean

Would you ever imagine running into your cousin while in Iraq? This is Sean's cousin Amy. She is an officer in the Army and has a few more perks than a young airman like Sean has - so he really enjoys hanging out with her! I think it is wonderful that he has some family close by. I love that he took his cross with him and chooses to always stay close to God!
I love the humor in this photo and obviously Sean did as well!
Guess those boys are trying to get into the Christmas spirit.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Christmas Tree is Up!

Each year I add a few items to my tree. This year I added the curly spikes. I love all the new things that are being used as tree toppers, but I still like having an angel on ours. There are a lot of ornaments on our tree, but the pictures doesn't show how many there really are. I didn't even put everything on it this year + I have another tree upstairs I haven't even decorated yet. Where does the time go?

Biltmore House

Since we don't enjoy fighting the crazy crowds at the mall we visited Biltmore with our good friends Allyson and Chris. The house was unbelieveable and the Christmas decorations were amazing. We also toured the winery and tasted some of my new favorite flavors. You were not allowed to take photos inside. Standing in front of the house looking back toward the entrance.
The grand ballroom with the 36' tree.
Chris and Allyson standing on the backporch. We used headphones to listen to the history of Biltmore.
I tried to get a photo of the stone work.
Jim and Chris
Jim and I relaxing on the porch. I think I could live at Biltmore!


This Thanksgiving we invited Jim's dad and sister over for dinner. This was also our first year without Sean home. It was hard without him here, so I stayed busy cooking. Everything was delicious and the weather was beautiful. We all have so much to be thankful for!
Martha, Jim and Dorsie
Malisha, me and Dorsie

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Babysitting Fuzzy

We are babysitting my friends guinea pig while they are on vacation. Mattie and piqo were so excited, they wanted to get Fuzzy out and play. When Fuzzy would squeak or talk to us, Piqo would whine as if we were suppose to do something for her.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Bridge

This is a story of Love and Sacrifice - grab a tissue!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be Sure To Vote

Be sure to vote today! This is one of the free choices Americans need to be proud of and do - Vote!

If you don't vote, then don't complain!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Mattie sitting in front of the cabinet in our mud room where we keep the peanut butter flavored rawhides. She knows she must sit to receive a treat!

Mamaw's Little Pumpkin
Mattie, will you make mamaw give us our treat!
Mattie doesn't like canine attire. We tried putting them on her a little too late. Looking for Trick-or-Treaters in their favorite chair. I did get a little neckwear on her.

Happy Halloween!

Update on Sean

Sean in front of one of the jets he loads bombs on. Those are words I never thought I would put in one sentence!

I'm sorry Sean - but you still look like my baby - you do know you always will be!
Not the way I want to see you playing! What happened to transformers and puzzles?
What a brown, dull country. Thank you Lord for our beautiful free country!
Sean said the protection for their jets is unbelieveable.
This is where Sean sleeps - makes him appreciate his room at home. Look at what is sitting in the floor beside his bed. Know what those are - Homer Simpson house shoes! Can you believe he took those with him overseas. Guess it makes him feel at home. Jim and I could not believe he packed them! He is such a funny kid - I mean young man! Thanks for the laugh son!