Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Jim bought a beautiful red Harley Street Glide last summer. We had a lot of fun riding with friends but with the knee replacement he had a few years ago he wasn't as comfortable riding with me on the back. He was always afraid his knee wouldn't work quickly enough and we would lay the bike down. We started looking at the new Harley Trikes and really liked them. Well with a little encouragement from me we bought a new 2017 Harley.
It came with several "large" manuals. This thing has more bells and whistles than either of our cars do.
This is the picture on Black Wolf's Facebook Page. He sure looks happy!

Monday, February 20th the weather was beautiful so I took a day of vacation and we hit the road with Kim and Celeste. We rode up to South Holston Dam which is very pretty!
This little cutie (Sydnee) was checking out our bikes and asked if he could sit on them. He was so cute and friendly - not a shy bone in this little guy!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

We don't normally make a big deal out of Valentine's Day. We usually just go to dinner and sometimes if there is something we know the other one is wanting we will buy a small gift.  Now that Elizabeth is three she understands gifts - so Mamaw and Papaw got the most enjoyment out of surprising her.  Jim presented her with her first rose! It was the sweetest moment! She doesn't know how to sniff when we tell her to smell of something so she blew on it.  :-) When he handed her the rose she said "I love it" and then she said "this is the best Valentine's Day present ever"! She was so stinking cute!
Mamaw got her a set of 8 puzzles. She loves putting puzzles together and is really good at it - especially for a three year old!
 Mamaw also got her and her baby doll matching outfits.
 After dinner and a few chocolate kisses she and Papaw sat down to watch a few cartoons.
 And of course Piqo got a little jealous of all the attention Papaw was getting.  BTW...he got a new toy for Valentine's Day too! Can't leave our other baby out of the love!
Hope everyone had as sweet of a Valentine's Day as we did!