Monday, July 13, 2015

Ohhh They Bloomed!

After the cold winter we had this past year some of my flowers didn't come back - but these babies has done well and have beautiful blooms on them! :-)

Fun Times at Mamaw and Papaw's House

It's always fun at Mamaw and Papaw's house! Elizabeth knows when mommy gets her little pink suitcase out that she is coming to our house. Elizabeth picked up a dress her mommy had laundered, put it in her suitcase and says "Mamaw, Papaw"!  Aaahh - made my day!  After a day with us we all are tired and ready for a good nights sleep, but seeing her play and having so much fun fills my heart!

Elizabeth Playing on her Swingset

Elizabeth loves swinging and going down the slide on the swingset at our house. She would play on it all day!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Baby Shower for Chelsea Hall

Leslie and I gave a baby shower for Chelsea at my house. We had a great turnout and Chelsea received tons of beautiful and sweet gifts! Everyone had a awesome time, enjoying great food and wonderful company.

 We sat up a memorabilia table of items from when Chelsea was a baby and we created a Power Point slideshow of photos of her when she was little.

 We served sweet tea, lemon water and Sangria's.
 Sweet little momma - she is all belly!

 Jim is always a great help, willing to do anything needed!

Congratulations Colby and Chelsea! We can't wait to meet Baby Grey!