Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Fun

The Christmas Season is always such a busy time of the year. Trying to get everything accomplished can sometimes be difficult. One thing I have been doing for the past several years is the Supplies for Soldiers program we have at my work. Employees can donate items such as soap, shampoo, sheets, socks, candy etc.. Instead of collecting items I offered to do the shopping for my coworkers. This has gone over very well and I am able to buy more items because of the big discount Kohl's and Big Lots gives me. This year I collected $850.00!  Here is a picture of everything I bought. Note: the back seats are folded down which gives a better idea of everything I was able to buy.
Once everything is purchased or donated it takes an army to sort, package and ship all the supplies. This year we mailed 407 packages to our deployed troops.

My friend Barbara invited Dollie and I over for a lovely dinner! She is such a sweet friend whom I love hanging out with!

Tommy and Sonya just bought a new house and had a Christmas get together. OMGoodness what a fun time we had!


Thank you for a fantastic time and Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Some of my Favorite Things

 I love all the brilliant and cheerful colors of Christmas.  Some of the things in these photos Jim and I have had for years but are still favorites!

 Jim, Pat Z and I made this sleigh when he and I were dating! Really a special piece!

When Malisha was around six or seven years old I taught her how to cross stitch. She made this for me when she was in high school and I had it framed and matted.
Definitely one of my favorite pieces!
 We were trying to capture some cute images of Elizabeth but she was having way too much fun chasing the dogs, running around the ottoman and checking out the tree.

 She finally slowed down so Maddie took the opportunity to rest!
And Papaw and Mamaw got some snuggles.


Thanksgiving was even more fun this year because of this little cutie! She is always so happy and smiling! My heart just melts when she walks through the door!

 Elizabeth and Papaw are such big buddies!
 Matt ate Thanksgiving dinner with us this year! Of course he had to pick on Malisha every chance he had! :)