Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wow - I'm Behind (a few winter updates)

My sweetie is 10 months old. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed and the changes we see in her weekly. She is the sunshine in my life!
I love getting together with our friends. We always laugh until we cry and this fun bunch is the source of many laughing tears! 

Little Maddie is twelve years old.  She started having problems walking and we were worried her time with us was going to end soon. Well, to our surprise after about three days she was fine, running and jumping as usual. All we can determine is she had hurt her leg. Our sweet puppy is back to her usual self!  :-) 
OMGoodness - that's all I can say about this sweetheart! 
When Elizabeth gets sleepy the thumb goes in her mouth and she holds onto her silky blanket. Jim is so much in love with her and seeing them together melts my heart! 

Valentine's - Malisha made her cute little shirt. 
I have found a new hobby I love doing - painting pottery. On Valentines Brushstrokes had a couples special and I talked Jim into going with me. He painted a "SCAG" mug and I painted a Valentine wedding anniversary plate. We had a fun time, received chocolates, a rose and I won the door prize (a free massage)! Ahhh Yeah!!!
This is my first piece of pottery.
Before glazing and putting in the kiln. 
The final product. This photo doesn't depict the true shade of blue, but I think it turned out great! 
My friend Barbara had never painted pottery so I took her one cold Saturday. Her daughter had been wanting one of the old timey ceramic Christmas trees. I don't have a picture of the finished product - but it turned out amazing! We were there for about five hours, so I took snacks of wine, grapes, veggies, almonds, cheese and crackers. So much fun! 
Okay, the only fun thing I can say about the Super Bowl was the food was delicious and spending it with great friends was awesome! 

Freiberg's Restaurant in Johnson City! Be sure to wear stretch pants! ;-) 

Love those fat, kissable cheeks! 
During those terribly cold days we had this winter this is where you would find my two fur babies!