Saturday, September 21, 2013

Baby Shower for Whitney

Malisha and I hosted a small baby shower for her best friend from college - Whitney. She is having a boy in November and we can't wait to see baby Carter. Since Whitney is a teacher we used teaching items as the theme for the shower.

We all had walked into the kitchen to get something to eat and look who we left behind. She was so cute sitting there all by herself with not a soul around! I think this was the only time she was put down. Anytime there are women in the same room with babies - the babies will be held! :-) 

 She received lots of cute items and her sweet niece loved helping. 
Congratulations Shawn and Whitney!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Chris and Wilson

I couldn't ask for any better friends than Chris and Allyson! Allyson and I have gone to school together since first grade and we lived only a couple miles from each other growing up, so anytime there is a birthday - we all celebrate together. Chris and Wilson has birthday's two days apart so Allyson had a swim party for them. There were kids and babies jumping and playing in the pool for hours. We had such a wonderful time!
Malisha came and brought Elizabeth. 
 Allyson's sweet little mom loved holding Elizabeth.
Chris's grandson - Oliver is 5 months older than Elizabeth. He was fascinated by her toes! :-) 

Wilson, Allyson, Chris, Oliver, Julie and Christopher 
Elizabeth is pretty fascinated with her toes also! 
Mamaw and Elizabeth had to get in the pool and enjoy the beauitful sunshine and warm water. 
Mamaw holding her sweet little "bathing beauty"! 
OMGoodness - he is such a nut!
Happy Birthday guys!  Love ya!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Family Photos

Malisha and Eric had family photos made!  I love my little fat cheeked, blue eyed baby more than anything in this world.

You Are My Sunshine!

Since we had another wonderful day with perfect weather and beautiful sunshine, Malisha and I wanted to let Elizabeth play in her pool for awhile. She loves being in the water and played and chewed on her toys.  We were also working on her sitting up by herself. She makes all my days sunshine days!  

Jim is so cute with Elizabeth. He was talking and making funny sounds and she was looking backwards at him. I love these two and seeing them together makes me so happy!


She is really starting to like her little walker. In this photo it looks like she is checking herself out in the mirror.
Stylin and sucking on her bottom lip. I love the face she is making in this picture!

Cooking Out on the Lake with Great Friends!

Mark and Cheryl invited Jim, Chris, Allyson and I to a cookout on the lake. OMGoodness the food was amazing and we met a lot of fun and crazy friends. Mark is always a hoot and Cheryl cracks us up with the comebacks she has ready for him. They are definitely the perfect couple!