Friday, May 31, 2013

Elizabeth Ann Collins

Our precious angel was born April 23, 2013. She is beautiful, sweet, healthy and perfect. She weighted 7lbs. 10oz. and doing wonderful.

 Mommy is breastfeeding and doing a great job!
 I could hold her 24/7!
 She was born with perfect color and fat kissable jawls!
 Baby dedication at our church. She was the youngest one there - only two weeks old.
 I was playing with her feet and she was looking at me with the funniest looks on her face. I know she can't see very far right now - but the looks on her face were hilarious!
 Papaw is crazy about her!
 I was giving her a tour of our new house and showing her all the rooms that are hers. This will be her playroom. 
 This will be her bedroom - sorry Piqo!
 The pups are curious about her and want to see her but they are a little skittish when she moves or makes sounds.
 My new love!
 Love the hair!
 Jim just sits and stares at her.