Friday, June 4, 2010

A lot going on

This was a sad morning for Sean's family & friends. After a wonderful month of having him home he has to go back to Korea. We truly enjoyed his visit, sense of humor and meeting is new sweet girlfriend. This is Sean with Chelsea at the airport just before he had to catch his plane. Poor Chelsea had cried for two days and she said Sean even cried the night before. I know once he gets back to Korea and back into his routine he will do and feel better. Sean hugging Malisha just minutes before he had to walk onto the plane.
Of course he always has to try and make everyone smile. He was acting goofy with Malisha and Sam.
Malisha, Sean, Samatha and Emma.
I'm smiling, but I'm not happy. Not only had I gotten up at 3:15, my baby boy was flying to the other side of the world.
Some happier photos!
We hung out at our pool the night before Sean left. Sean and Chelsea dancing. Look out contestants on "Dancing with the Stars"! Ready for the dip...
Let's do the Tango ---cha cha cha

Love the goggles :)

Come on Sean - you know you like it!
Cute, cute cute!

Me and my baby on our Anniversary. As always, he bought me flowers, a card and took me out to dinner! We have been married 9 wonderful years!
Our friends son - Wilson graduated from DB. His parents had a great party for him at their house. We are so proud of how well he has done. He graduated at age 16 and is heading to UT this fall. (p.s. I stole these photos from Allyson)

Wilson and Chris enjoying the day
Sweet Jennifer and little Aly - she has grown so much!
Our church honored all the graduates - yes that would be me. After church Sean, Jim, Uncle Joey, Cathy and I went out to eat. Malisha had a baby shower to attend and could not join us.
Sean, Me, Joey and Cathy
Had to throw a couple photos of the puppies in - wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. Notice they have their own beach towel!
Piqo looks so funny in this photo - he looks like a bobble head. I think he was still wet which is why his body looks so small.
When they have been good puppies they get a cup of ice cream. They don't raise their heads for a good 20 minutes. Hey, don't mess with me when I'm eating ice cream either!