Friday, May 21, 2010

God is Great and Life is Good

Sean has been stationed in Korea since the first of October. Unless you are a parent it is hard to imagine how much you miss your children when they venture out to start their own life. I have really missed my son and him being on the other side of the world makes it even harder. The first of April he went on a mission in Alaska for a month. I am thrilled that he is getting to see the world, but I want him home! Around the second week of April he called and said he would be home on "Mother's Day"! I couldn't believe it - what better gift could a mom ask for? His plane was suppose to arrive at 10:45 - we were there at 10:00! Thank you Lord, Sean's plane actually landed at 10:15. I think God was helping me out - I was getting more emotional with every minute that passed.
This is him coming up the ramp - look at that big smile on his face when he saw me standing there.

He hugged me so tight, just like when he was a little boy and thought mom was the greatest person in the world - hopefully he still does. ;) I was shaking and crying like a big baby. Every emotion in me came out! Yes, I look awful from crying, but I guarantee I was the happiest person in that airport!
Okay, not only did my boy come home I also graduated. I love chemistry, but I'm so glad I don't have to learn any more reactions or mechanisms!

They also honored all the graduates at our church. Afterwards we went out to eat. Look at my handsome men!
God is great and life is good!