Saturday, September 12, 2009

What We've Been Up To

We went to a fun pool party at Allyson & Chris's for his birthday. Their home and pool is gorgeous. The gang has picked out the spot where we are going to build our retirement home, so we can all grow old together and take care of each other. Notice the view in the pictures - beautiful! Baby Justice is such a doll!
Bring out the squirt guns.
My sweet friend Anita and Robin.
Wilson and his friend Ashley, he turned 16 the next day. He is a senior at DB.
Sharon and Mike - great picture!
Mason, what a cutie!

Allyson - the hostess.
Jim relaxing

Connie and Keith.
We had so much fun playing in the pool.

Robin and Sharon
Can I take this boy home with me. I promise I will give him all the lemonade he wants!
Jennifer and her dad - Don.
Janie telling Jim about her latest trip!

What are you so serious about Sandy.
Now thats more like it - I'm sure she is telling something funny!
Chris enjoying his birthday sundae.

We watched the UT game in our orange and white attire. I even put a UT collar on the pups. It was a disappointment, but we won't hang up the orange just yet!We celebrated Jim's birthday. And we celebrated my birthday. We don't like store bought cakes, so Malisha always makes us one, they were wonderful!
I got a beautiful dozen roses from Al & Sue! I love seeing those vans that say florist on the side of them pull into our driveway! ;)Also, school has started back so I spend a lot of time in class or studying. Jim takes care of almost everything around the house. I don't know what I would do without him! He is the greatest!